Product version Nium 3.94
Last edited November 2022
Content type
Unless otherwise stated in the API References all API request bodies must be supplied as content type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". Refer to the API Reference for examples.
Except for the "login" endpoint all API calls must provide an "authorization" header. The value of this header is the token provided in a successful response from the "login" endpoint.
Structured String Parameters
There are some request body parameters which are documented as type "String" in the API Reference but whose value is similar to JSON. The structures of these parameters will be documented below.
Delete Virtual Card Request
The "transactionInfo" parameter represents a JSON Array as a String value. The structure of this parameter is shown below. The number of allowed key value pairs in this case must not exceed 5.
Freeze Virtual Card Request
The "transactionInfo" parameter represents a JSON Array as a String value. The structure of this parameter is shown below. The number of allowed key value pairs in this case must not exceed 5.
Issue Virtual Card Request
The "cardInfo" parameter represents a JSON Array as a String value. The structure of this parameter is shown below. The number of allowed key value pairs in this case must not exceed 20.
Thaw Virtual Card Request
The "transactionInfo" parameter represents a JSON Array as a String value. The structure of this parameter is shown below. The number of allowed key value pairs in this case must not exceed 5.
Update Schedule Load Request
The "scheduleInfo" parameter represents a JSON Array as a String value. The structure of this parameter is shown below. The number of allowed key value pairs in this case must not exceed 5.
Schedule Load Request
The "scheduleInfo" parameter represents a JSON Array as a String value. The structure of this parameter is shown below. The number of allowed key value pairs in this case must not exceed 5.
Update Card Information Request
The "cardInfo" parameter represents a JSON Array as a String value. The structure of this parameter is shown below. The number of allowed key value pairs in this case must not exceed 20.
Transfer Funds Request
The "transactionInfo" parameter represents a JSON Array as a String value. The structure of this parameter is shown below. The number of allowed key value pairs in this case must not exceed 5.